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Thus they help will meet to buyers and sellers of musical and sound files and to make the transaction on to sale and purchase. These resources are called as Audio-stocks (Stock Audio).
Audio-stocks - platforms of sale of author's music.
The audio-stock assumes all work on search of buyers of your music, and receptions of payments that as much as possible simplifies to the musician existence. The owner of audio-files needs to be registered only in audio-drains and to send there on sale the pieces of music. And its music will be on sale without days off and day and night! Involves that the same musical compositions can be on sale tens and hundreds times without your participation.
In total that from you it is required to create it a musical track, or sound effect, to publish it in an audio-drain, to enter the key words and all! Further, sometimes come and look how many ran money. You ask “what to do in free time?”. That want that and do, can lie on a sofa, and can do the following composition, for increase in earnings.
Many musicians don't understand as there is a process of sale of audio-files, doubt that someone will want to buy them music, they think that it is unreal. Actually it much more simply than to sell music in the real world. To you not it is necessary to look for clients, to pester agencies, to do other unnecessary movements … Only ponder … On audio-drains monthly come million buyers from all over the world! It is a great lot of the people!
Naturally, the audio-stock does the work not free of charge. From sale of your piece of music you receive from 25 to 70 %, the audio-drain leaves other sum to itself.
Selling the music on audio-drains it is possible to earn to several thousand dollars a month. Everything depends on quality of music, its demand and the size of your portfolio. On the average 400-500 dollars at a small portfolio at 30-40 compositions.
Who buys music and sound effects on audio-stocks?
Producers of advertizing, prompts, flash movies, various games and appendices, programs, designers, DJs, sometimes listeners and others …
Sales by audio-stocks are carried out generally according to two licenses:
1. The license for private noncommercial use.
For example for roller creation for friends, a site, work for school, etc. There are pieces of music from 2 to 20 dollars (approximately).
2. The expanded license for commercial use.
Grants the right to the buyer of music and sound effects to use work for commercial purposes, but doesn't grant the right to sell or duplicate work more certain quantity of times, for example 10 000 copies of cards with yours synthpop to magnifying glasses, commercial release, etc. All rights to music remain with you. Are more expensive of works at 10-20 time, than according to the first license.
If you still doubt that sale of author's music in the Internet is a profitable business, here to you examples:
Example 1. The extremely simple set of sounds in cost in 5 dollars was sold 115 times. Let's count how many this author received money. If he sold it according to “The license for private noncommercial use”, he received 25 % from each sale. 25 % from 5 dollars are 1 dollar of 25 cents, we multiply $1,25 on 115 = $143,75. It turns out that he only on one this file earned 143 dollars of 75 cents! It is sure, you and ten cents for such "product" won't give, however it appears that by means of an audio-drain it is possible to sell it for 143 dollars! (and this figure will increase).
Example 2. This quite simple musical composition at the price of $14 was sold 291 times. If to assume that the author sold it according to “The license for private noncommercial use”, he received 25 % from each sale. 25 % from $14 are 3,5 dollars. $3,5 it is multiplied on 291, we receive $1018,5. The composer earned on it 1018 dollars! And this sum will increase, as sales proceed. And it only on one audio-drain, and it is possible to be registered on several. If the author sold the music according to “The expanded license for commercial use”, its earnings are even higher - 50-70 % from sale! Consider.
Registration on an audio-stock for sale of the music and sound effects.
If you decided to try the forces, I can suggest to be registered to you on one of the most popular audio-stock:
- First Name - the Name
- Last Name - the Surname
- Your Email - e-mail Address
- Re-Type - e-mail Address once again
- Username - the Name of your project, or Login (it will be visible to all, it is impossible to change)
- Password - Think up the password
- Re-Type - the Password once again
- I Agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions - Deliver a tick.
- In the field of Type the two words enter two represented words if words aren't legible update them having pressed the button with two the rounded-off shooters.
- Press Create Your Account.
Further it is necessary to confirm Email. Enter into the mail and press the reference in the sent letter.
Registration is complete!
We are tested
Before you can load and sell the works, you should be tested, confirming that you well understood rules of this audio-drain. Now I will prompt you the right answers, but further, I advise to familiarize with all information available of your account.
Take the Author Quiz
Question 1
Envato is responsible for any copyright breaches in my submitted files.
Question 2
I can include photos in my files that I found on Google Search.
Question 3
I can buy a file from another site and sell it on an Envato Marketplace, provided I change something about it.
Question 4
When I upload a file to an Envato Marketplace I am agreeing to the file being purchased and used in any way specified in the legal documentation.
Question 5
Envato can reject my file if they feel it is not of sufficient quality.
Question 6
Envato will decide how much my file will cost and what category it will be in.
Question 7
My file needs to be submitted in the formats specified by Envato for it to be accepted.
Question 8
I can upload a file with an image of me or a relative of mine without a Model Release.
Question 9
I can use an illustration of a product or logo in my file.
Question 10
I cannot sell a file based on a tutorial.
Exclusively и Non-Exclusively
It is possible to sell each work in two ways: Exclusively and Non-Exclusively.
- Exclusively - you receive from 50 to 70 % from each sale (the more sales, the it it is more than a percent), but haven't the right to sell this piece of music on other audio-stocks.
- Non-Exclusively - you receive 25 % and can sell in other places.
Preparation of musical files
That it was possible to hear to your music, it is necessary to make "preview" - a file copy in a MP3 format with compression 128Kbps, and "preview" should be supplied with "watermark" (Watermark) - protection against unauthorized use.
For this purpose mix your wav-file with a sound of "Watermark Loop" which can be downloaded having followed the link “Watermarks” in the section "Author Resources" of your account. The sound should be well audible, but thus shouldn't disturb too to listen to your music to potential buyers. After mix save the file in a MP3 format 128Kbps.
The wav 16-Bit Stereo files are allowed to sale, 44.1 kHz and mp3 320 kbps. You can sell wav or a MP3. You, as, can sell wav and a MP3 together if will create zip-archive with them. For the buyer of wav is priority as it is an uncompressed format.
Music sending on sale in an audio-stock
To load musical files for sale, press the UPLOAD button in the section BEGIN UPLOAD of your account.
- Name - a composition Name
- Description - its description. Show consideration for this field as exactly by words in the description your music will be found by potential buyers.
Imitate the most sold compositions.
- Load all files having pressed the UPLOAD button.
- Audio Preview - Prevyyushny of a MP3 file with "watermark" (128 kbps).
- Main Files (s) - the wav-file, or a MP3 file of 320 kbps, or zip-archive with them two.
- By Category - Choose suitable category.
- By audio Files Included - Choose what format you sell. With the shift key it is possible to choose both.
- Length - Duration of the musical file.
- Looped Audio - whether Specify your audio-track to magnifying glasses is or not.
- BPM - Rate of musical composition. If speed isn't present, or it is unknown, it is possible not to specify.
- Instruments Tags - Names of sounding tools. For example: piano, cello, violin, voice.
- Mood Tags - Here can list feelings which are tested by the listener when listening this track (for example:dark, contemporary, joyful, suspenseful, fun, funny, happy, rhythmic, energetic, positive), and as musical styles (for example: big beat, electronic, break beat). Study at the most sold authors.
- To Any images/sounds/video/code … - Deliver a tick and press UPLOAD.
Your files are sent. After a while them will check, and if they correspond to all requirements, will estimate and will expose on sale.
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