Friday, November 30, 2018

Musical Perfectionism, and How to Deal With It

Musical Perfectionism
The universe wants me to figure out with musical perfectionism. I have this phrase all day long in my thoughts. Why? For what reason? God knows! But the will of the universe should be respected, and therefore I begin...

Oh, this perfectionism! How many nerves he spoiled those who can not live at full strength. I want to write a cool resume and get a dream job - but in the end, the resume is thrown in the middle, because it seems to be not ideal, and you continue to work in a boring company.

I want to learn how to dance bachatu and participate in parties - but in the end you run out of the dance school after the first two classes, because it doesn’t work as well as that of the coaches. “So what,” you think, “I will watch dance competitions at home on TV, I don’t have to spend money on costumes.”
You start to write a music track - and you throw, in despair, after trying a dozen variants of composition and arrangement.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

How to Describe a Piece of Music (Continued)

how to describe music

Method 2
Subjective opinion

1. Listen carefully to music. You need to immerse yourself in music more than with formal analysis in order to trigger a complete emotional response. Find a quiet and private place and turn on the selected song. Focus on the mood of the composition. Carefully listen to the lyrics. While listening, try to understand the feelings of the performer at the moment when he created the song. Go to music with all your heart and soul to accurately understand and communicate your personal reaction to the material.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How to Describe a Piece of Music

how to describe music
Frank Zappa once said that "talking about music is like dancing about architecture." In a sense, he may be right, but the ability to vividly describe music helps to appreciate it more deeply. If you analyze the music and express your appreciation in words, you will learn to hear such details that you might have missed. Your ability to describe a song will also come in handy if you are talking to a person and want to share musical recommendations with him.