Saturday, December 1, 2018

What is music theory - for beginners in simple words

music theory
For many novice musicians, the concept of "music theory" often causes something like fear. They believe that this is something very complex, requiring a long course of study. However, do not be afraid. Although the
course is designed for a fairly long time (at least a music school course), you can nevertheless study this subject as soon as possible even yourself.

Rhythm, size and pace

Before you get down to the basics, it is worthwhile to focus on some of the components that the theory of music includes. Of course, now we will not give the full scope of the entire course, especially since it is designed not only for music schools, but also for continuing study in music schools and conservatories. Let us dwell more on what is popularly called the "theory of music for" dummies " ".

So, the first and foremost, without which neither music education nor the development of performing abilities of a novice musician is complete. Of course, this sense of rhythm, the ability to count it and compare it with
different musical sizes.

In this section, the theory of music involves the study of the most well-known rhythmic and dimensional schemes, which today are the most used in music, for example, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, etc.

For reference, as a rule, the schemes of strong and weak fractions "one-and", two-and, three-and, four-and" (for size 4/4) are used, where "the first shares are strong, and indicated by the letter "i" - weak.

Among other things, special attention should be paid to the study of rates. After all, the same rhythmic sequence can be played moderately, quickly or slowly.

Sheet music is the language of music

After mastering this, in general, simple material, you can begin to study musical notation.

The musical language in this perspective includes knowledge of the names and durations of notes, writing notes on the stave, measures and the total number of notes of different duration in one measure depending on the specified size, pauses, non-standard durations (notes with dots), etc.

sheet music


One of the most important basic subjects that requires special diligence in studying is the course of solfeggio. Music theory is basically based on the knowledge of this subject.

Here, special attention should be paid to the study of tonalities, standard and non-standard intervals, principles of construction of scales, the definition of their main and secondary stages, the rules for constructing chords and their conversions, as well as signs of alteration (sharps, flatons and bekars).

If we talk about intervals, chords and scales, knowledge of the principles of their creation will further help in the study of harmony, a subject that will allow even the simplest melody to clothe in a complex musical form
and give color to the whole work.


Music theory is the study of the harmonic component partly implied in the standard course of solfeggio. This concept of major and minor, knowledge of some types of scales (harmonic, melodic), but in general the section is more focused on the study of frets.

For example, great attention is paid to non-standard frets, which are often used in classical works or in folk music of various nations of the world (Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, etc.).

In addition, in this area you can get a wide range of knowledge on how to use some additional steps or techniques (meaning chords, triads, interval transitions) that allow you to add color to a complete piece of music, even in the standard range.

Musical forms

Finally, one of the main sections, which includes the theory of music, can be called the study of musical forms.

What it is? It is nothing but a kind of musical work in its structural form. Now the concept of musical forms, unfortunately, is increasingly ignored. However, it should be noted that every self-respecting musician must
know what, say, etude, rondo, fugue, sonata, symphony or opera.

Naturally, this is not a complete list. But knowledge of the principles of the structure of various musical works will be able to help in creating your own musical compositions. Surely, everyone knows that the song has an introduction, a verse, a chorus, some kind of loss and code (completion). Seems easy? Yes. But it is precisely this knowledge that came to the modern music world from classical music and its various forms.

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